How to get abs of steel
by Team Asort November 17, 2017 · Lifestyle / Style Book
1. Knee-In Crunch
Lie on your back facing up along with your hands behind ears and legs extended. Raise your legs about six inches off the bottom. Use core and raise shoulder blades off the ground sort of a crunch whereas also pull knees in toward chest. Careful to not pull on your neck to crunch; use abs to raise. Reverse the movement to come back to beginning position.
Lie with your face up while fingertips behind ears, and bent your knees at a 90-degree angle with each foot off ground. Raise your head and shoulders off the mat. Bring your right elbow to your left knee as you extend right leg out straight. Quickly reverse the movement to repeat the same on the opposite side with the left elbow to your right knee. Keep repeating on alternate counts.
Stand tall with feet and hip straightly aligned. Interact with your core and use your lower abs to lift one knee at a time as if you are running. Bring knees to an aligned height as your hips with your thighs parallel to the ground, and keep in mind not to lean back. Continue standing with your feet flat on the ground and repeat with your alternate legs.
Lie down with your face up and arms beside you. Bend your knees while keeping your hips and knees at a 90-degree angle, your core engaged. Activate your lower abs to raise your hips off the ground and slowing bring your knees towards your chest. Then gradually lower your back to your starting position while keeping your lower abdominals still engaged.
Start your position with a high plank while keeping your core tight and hands directly aligned with your shoulders. Keep your core engaged to stabilize your hips as you slowly move your right knee towards your chest. Move the same leg back to the starting position then repeat the same with your left knee. Continue with alternate legs to pump your knees as quickly as possible.

Lie with your face up and arms beside you. Interact with your core and slowly raise your head and extend your left hand to touch towards your right toe while also lifting your right leg keeping perfectly straight. Try to reach as far as you can and then come back to your starting position and repeat the same with the other side as well.

Finish your session with a strong isometric hold. Lie down with your face up and arms beside you. Try to engage your abs. Lift your head along with your shoulder blades and straightened legs off the ground, keeping your lower back intact with the mat throughout the complete exercise. It becomes more difficult the closer you keep your legs to the mat. Hold this posture for complete thirty seconds and release.
Tags: abs workoutbicycle crunchcrunchesexercisehealthy living