Short Men, Use These Tips To Dress Tall

Us men of short stature are all 6’ 4” deep inside; unfortunately, our real stature isn’t visible to others at first glance. It would be wonderful though if people mistook us to be a few inches taller than we really are. Thankfully a little bit of heightening is possible wearing the right attire. We want to reveal a few secrets to men of smaller stature to aid them in creating the illusion of being taller.

1. Wear Footwear That Matches Your Trousers Color

Matching Shoes And Trousers Help Elongate the Body

This may seem nonsensical, but it’s effective in creating the illusion of greater height. When there is little contrast between the color of one’s trousers and our footwear, it creates a visual effect that makes the legs seem longer than they actually are. So when you wear black trousers, try pairing them with a pair of black or dark colored shoes.

Remember when your legs seem longer, it makes you appear taller, so don’t wear high top shoes that hide your ankle, instead wear shoes that are low top because they show more of your ankle making you look taller.

Also, round-headed or square headed shoes make the legs seem shorter whereas shoes that have a pointed front make your legs seem longer. So opt to wear shoes that have a pointed front or head if you want to appear taller.

2. Accessorize Smartly To Appear Taller

The Right Accessories Appear to Add Inches On a Man’s Frame

Every good personality development program will tell you that the color of your socks should closely match the color of your trousers. One of the best reasons to follow this advice is that if your socks match closely with your pair of men trousers it helps make you look taller.

A technique behind looking taller has to do with creating an appearance that is similar from top to bottom. This means that you should

  • Avoid wearing bright or patterned socks because they add attention to one particular region of your body and make you seem “split” into two halves.
  • Try to draw people’s attention towards your face by wearing attractive headgear such as caps.
  • If like many Indian men you love wearing a belt, you can wear one to your advantage. Try to wear a men’s belt that is thin because, as mentioned earlier, you don’t want to seem split in two which tends to happen when one wears wide belts.
  • If possible at times go without even wearing a belt or opt to wear suspenders instead.

3. How Trousers Can Help Look Taller

Wear Trousers Higher On Your Waist To Make Your Legs Look Longer

When you’re reaching for the stars, never wear low rise trousers.  The simple reason for this is that when you tuck a shirt into a low rise trouser, your upper body looks longer and your legs appear shorter, making your overall appearance shorter.  Try to wear only mid to high rise trousers and pants.

Also please make sure your trousers don’t bunch up together at your feet, this makes your feet look shorter. Only a minimal volume of your pants fabric should cover your shoe.

4. How to Wear Shirts to Appear Taller

Show Less Sleeve, Wear Shirts with Vertical Stripes, and Wear Shirts That Hug Your Chest

Many men reading this should know that vertical stripes on your shirt give the appearance of additional height while horizontal stripes make one look shorter.

Also what you should know is that by correctly pairing your formal shirt with a blazer or suit you can make yourself seem taller. For instance, if you show ¼’ of the sleeve of your shirt under men’s coat & blazer it will make your arms (and as a result you) appear taller. If on the other hand, you were to show ½’ or ¾’ of your shirts sleeve your arms would appear shorter, as would you.

Another way to appear taller is by wearing a shirt that hugs the chest; this makes your torso appear thinner and you look taller.

5. Finally, a No Brainer

Avoid Wearing These If You’re Short

At all cost, avoid wearing baggy clothes if you want to create the appearance of extra height. Baggy clothes make your feet look short and as a result, you appear shorter than you actually are.

This concludes today’s fashion update fashion aficionados, stay tuned for our next article where we reveal more secrets to make you look more fab than you already do.

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