Asort Pride: Short Stories on Life Makeovers (7/11: Diksha Verma)

Asort celebrates 7 years of togetherness and making ‘A Beautiful Change’ in many lives through #AsortPride Campaign. Asort Pride is all about people, their dreams, their passion and their crave to excel in life.
We are proud to present a collection of real stories of our community members which are truly wonderful and inspiring. These are the people who have made a difference, not only to their own lives but many others. They are the real witness that Asort gives you the opportunity to change your life for the better.
It’s time for our 7th story of a young, inspiring and confident girl Diksha Verma from the land of the Gods Haridwar. Her story is inspirational enough to give you the strength to go after your dreams and make a life you always aspired for!
Welcome diksha ji