Exciting Times at Earthy Scent’s Launch

August 23rd of this year was a special day for many of us. On this day hundreds of our partners gathered at the Pullman Hotel in Aero City at New Delhi when we unveiled our brand new clothing line aptly named Earthy Scent for modern women and its nearness to nature and to the Earth.

Our well-planned event began when many who excel in working with us arrived at the Pullman Hotel, the glitzy setting for what was to come. Many took the opportunity to not only eat, drink, and be merry but to also click a number of pictures with friends, acquaintances, and others who were present. A large number of fun selfies were also taken by many cheerful young men many of whom had travelled some distance to be present at the event. We enjoyed being their hosts and I’m sure they enjoyed being our guests that afternoon as well.

Everyone present arrived in black from head to toe and with superbly groomed beards and looked no less spectacular than the models who were to walk the ramp a little later. The fashion show at the Earthy Scent launch showcased the Earthy Scent line of fashion wear. A large fashion ramp was surrounded on three sides by Ifazone Fashion Consultants and on it walked models wearing what we are confident will go on to become among the most sought-after apparel in the country.

Ifazone takes pride in its products and is humbled by the strong support our distributors continue to place on us. It is our endeavor to continuously work for the benefit of all those who partner with us.

At the Earthy Scent launch, some of our Independent business owners spoke about how Ifazone helped them not only create a business but how working with Ifazone has helped in aspects of their personality; greater confidence in their abilities being just one. Many of our partners also let us know that they did not imagine they would wear the kind of high quality branded clothes they wear so casually since they began working as Fashion Consultants with Ifazone.

Besides the exciting fashion show and traditional dance program in which all the models displayed the Earthy Scent line of garments, attendees also had a chance to learn about the vision of the founders of Ifazone. Many spoke with great appreciation of the company’s founders and expressed views such as their belief that the size and scope of the fashion industry are increasing day by day and how excited they are to be a part of this industry. With regards to the Earthy Scent brand, those at the brand launch were pleased that Ifazone brand was introducing traditional Indian apparel in the Indian market.

Mr Roshan Bisht, the founder of the Ifazone brand remarked at the Earthy Scent launch that the untapped potential of the Indian ethnic wear market was tremendous and he expressed his view that those who purchase Earthy Scent garments will be delighted with the quality of the apparel they come to own.

We can confidently say that our Earthy Scent launch was a tremendous success. This, not only because of a large number of attendees who were present at the event but also because of the lively enthusiasm and positive sentiment on the show by our Fashion Consultants without whose support and success Ifazone would today not be the premier seller of fashionable garments in India it is today.

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1 Response

  1. Mukesh Kumar says:

    Nice this new brand

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