A Gentleman’s Blog

In a world full of people who have forgotten what a gentleman really meant, maybe you can take five minutes out of your busy schedule to stop and think why can’t that happened. Gone are the days when girls used to dream about their Prince Charming riding a white horse. It’s the 21st century and all girls dream about now is a sensible and stylish Gentleman. However, even though mentalities and feelings change, there are a few things that never change.

Just like the old fairy tale, a frog can still turn into a charming handsome prince. A frog being any common man and a prince being a proper gentleman. The only difference is that a kiss is not going to help you change here. It’s gonna take a lot more to sweep the 21st-century lady off her feet and we are here to help you with that.

Let us list you out the basic points that are definitely gonna help you turn into a charming gentleman.

1. Style

The first impression is the last impression.  No matter how much you try, you cannot deny the fact that your look does matter. A gentleman always remains highly presentable at all times. That does not mean you have to wear a suit 24*7, but you do have to look presentable. Groom your look, keep your beard and hair clean and neat. A gentleman always keeps a tidily arranged wardrobe.  You should know which clothes and accessories suit you the best and keep quite a collection of the same. Keep your personal hygiene at an admirable level. Try to smell good at all times and you would know that you’ve taken the first steps to becoming a gentleman.

2. Personality

Once you have attracted the person with your looks, it’s time to show off your personality. The best way to do that is not show off at all. Be very genuine and dignified. Your personality reveals a lot about you, so you do not need to reveal all about yourself to every person you meet. Be mysterious and let the other person decide what you are and who you can be. Talking too much about yourself is not going to leave any good impression on anyone. A gentleman is confident in what he is and does not need to prove or boast anything about himself. You should have a firm handshake and a strong eye contact when you meet someone for the first time. It immediately impresses the other person and gives the message that you are confident and secure of what you are.

3. Behavior

Now that you have impressed the person with your personality too, you can be sure that he/she already takes you as a gentleman. People are very much fond of talking to and being around a proper gentleman because they know that a gentleman would never do anything to offend any person in the surrounding. You must be very careful not to offend anyone because you clearly know there is no gain in that and you know the feeling when somebody gets offended by stupid actions. In fact, you should try and help people around if you can, as defined by the first term in the word ‘gentleman’. Always remember to be respectful of your actions because you know that when you are meeting someone for the first time, you might or might never want to meet the same person in your life again. In any case, you would want to be respectful because at the end of the day people remember your actions, not your name. Whilst on a date or in a meeting with someone important, turn your phone silent to let the person know he/she is important. You will be astounded by the response you get for your actions.

4. Nature

Being a gentleman, you should know that just behaving to be kind and gentle does not work for long. If you are a real gentleman, you will have kindness and politeness fused into your blood. It should come naturally to you and not just to fake it to people. A gentleman never curses in front of anyone. No matter how angry or frustrated a gentleman is, he never swears but he smiles. That is the basic etiquette you should have. Your nature is your inner self and you will have to believe in what you are to be a real gentleman. Always return a favour because you know a friend helped you in need and you need to give that happiness back in some way or the other. Keep your promises no matter how difficult it turns out to be. Punctuality should be engraved in your brain because a gentleman never keeps a person waiting. And finally, a gentleman always knows the difference between confidence and arrogance.

5. Mentality

Finally, the main factor that decides if you are really a gentleman, is your mentality towards every single aspect of life. If you really do follow all of the above points that we mentioned, then you must know that equality is a religion. A gentleman never talks down to anyone. Always keep your loved ones before yourself because happiness comprises in the tiny smiles of others. A gentleman never speaks negative or gossip about anyone, nor does he judge another soul. You must be open-minded but remember to be firm in your own beliefs. Be an example to others rather than being pessimistic towards life.

All of these points defines your character. Be the person who everyone remembers in pride. Never get drown into oblivion but in fact, try to make a difference. Remember, it is not just in front of a lady that you have to be a gentleman. You must try and follow this path to lead a genuine and respected life.

We will be back again with some interesting blogs just for you. Stay hooked!

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    This program is totally asom….i like it program…….he has sport more peoples

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