Asort Rewind: Sharing Our Partners Remarkable Journeys to Wealth and Success
Inspiring stories of journeys from rags to riches are capturing the imagination of Indians nationwide like never before. Asort Rewind is a combination of such stories. They serve the same cohesive function for our society today that folklore and romantic and heroic myths had done in the past. Often the heroes of India’s modern rags to riches stories are today’s business tycoons many of whom receive adulation from throngs of fans who look to them as sources of inspiration. Many such fans hope that one day, with hard work and a little bit of luck, their names will be counted among those whom they presently derive inspiration from.
Yet away from the limelight, there are far more common and more extraordinary stories of wealth creation being written every day in India by Asort. Asort Rewind is a kind of talk show where all these heroes of these stories are exceptional young men and women, some of whom once considered themselves lucky to be able to earn 15,000 rupees a month, and today earn several lakh rupees every month instead.
What makes such stories truly remarkable and worth sharing with the world is the fact that the men and women in them were in their late teens or early 20’s when they started their business ventures. Some of these young people, prior to starting their business, had frequently been unemployed or underemployed, often working as common labourers in villages in India or in minor roles with small businesses. Many also had limited or no financial resources and prior to launching their business lacked the skills or the support system that could equip them with the talent to successfully manage a team of hundreds. In-spite of such challenges these ambitious and dedicated youngsters worked hard and prospered. Today they are gazed at with admiration and awe by some who had once viewed them as unemployable and unmotivated and by others who listen excitedly to them share their exciting journey from once having limited financial resources to having an abundance of wealth today.
To try and understand how such a transformative change has taken hold in cities, towns, and villages in India it is necessary to learn more about Asort and what makes it so unique. In trying to better understand Asort, you must become cognizant of the fact that though many of India’s most accomplished new business have been disruptive, few have been as much so as Asort has been. We have created significant wealth for those at the lower echelon of the consumer pyramid and paved a path for young men and women that allows them to aspire to heights they had never imagined before. Thanks to Asort many young men and women in towns and villages have mastered the grammar required to manage a large and successful business of social selling and developed leadership skills that allow them to be at the helm of a large and diverse team.
While before being introduced to Asort some of these same individuals often had difficulty speaking effectively to an audience of more than five people. Today, these young people, most in their early to mid-twenties, speak confidently to large audiences conveying a content of such maturity that one would expect to hear it from established captains of industry twenty years older than our young partners.
We wish to state that we are proud that over the span of few years, we at Asort have generated wealth for thousands of men and women, and we take equally great pride and satisfaction in having exposed many of those who have partnered with us to a new way of thinking. By successfully creating a broader worldview in the minds of our partners we have offered them valuable insights and practical experience that will help them excel in any new endeavour that they may choose to engage in during their lifetimes. Asort Rewind introduces these leaders/partners among our society and brings them all the appreciation for their hard work.
In the weeks ahead, we want to share individual stories of some of these accomplished Asort business partners with the rest of the world because we want the world to learn about what makes Ifazone so special. We hope that by reading the words of our partners, others may draw inspiration from them. We believe that their stories thus far are but a prelude to an even larger and grander narrative, one that will capture our societies imagination for decades to come.